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域名常识 | Domain Knowledge


域名是什么?  What is a domain name?

◆ 域名就是企业的网络品牌,是企业开启互联网+的开始。一切有关互联产品,包含网站、app、公众号、自媒体的源头都是基于域名所主导而来。
The domain name is the brand of the enterprise and the beginning of the enterprise to open the Internet. Everything about connected products, including websites, apps, self-media, etc., is based on domain names.

 简单来说它相当于一个门牌号,是一个快捷入口,大众可以通过域名快速到达想要进去的网站。浏览器地址栏直接输入域名,直达您的官网,节省更多流量推广费用,域名保护 非常重要
Simply put, it is equivalent to a house number, is a quick entry, the public can quickly reach the website you want to go through the domain name. Enter the domain name directly into the browser address bar, directly to your official website, save more traffic promotion costs, domain protection is very important.

The official interpretation of a domain name is the name of a computer or group of computers on the Internet consisting of a series of dot-separated names used to identify the electronic location of the computer during data transmission (sometimes referred to as geographic location, geographical domain name, A local area with administrative autonomy). A domain name is a "mask" on an IP address.

 域名的是由主机名、主体、后缀组成。例如www.google.com,其中www就是主机名,google是主体,com指的是后缀。域名的分类也是主要基于后缀进行分类,分别有:国际顶级域名(例如:com、net、org)、国家域名(例如cn、jp、us、hk、tw)、中国政府域名(gov、cn) 等。
The domain name consists of the host name, body, and suffix.For example, www.google.com, where www is the host name, google is the subject, and com refers to the suffix. The classification of domain names is also mainly based on suffixes: international top-level domain names (eg: com, net, org), national domain names (eg: cn, jp, us, hk, tw), Chinese government domain names (gov, cn).

 其中.com域名是全球最顶级、最通用、识别度最高、流量最高 的域名 后缀,没有之一 !
The .com domain name is the world's top, most versatile, most recognized, and most visited domain name.



Great  domain  name, Great  network  asset!


为买域名|WHY BUY


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